The Bio++ Libraries


Homepage of the Bio++ libraries, a set of C++ libraries for phylogenetics, population genetics and molecular evolution.

View The project on GitHub

New version, new website!

The next release of the Bio++ libraries, version 3.00 is on its way. It includes major changes bringing even more flexibility for modeling sequence evolution. On this occasion, the website and documentation is being reorganized.

The Bio++ Project

Bio++ is a set of C++ libraries for Bioinformatics, including sequence analysis, phylogenetics, molecular evolution and population genetics. Bio++ is Object Oriented and is designed to be both easy to use and computer efficient. Bio++ intends to help programmers to write computer expensive programs, by providing them a set of re-usable tools.

An overview of the libraries and the underlying methods implemented is available on the Bio++ Wiki, as well as installation instructions.

API documentation

Detailed documentation of the classes can be found here:

Projects using the Bio++ libraries


An apptainer recipe is available there:

as well as a computed image: